Saturday, November 10, 2007

John Edwards is Better than Icecream

Now you know a day is good when your favorite candidate gets paired with your favorite icecream. What is that you say? Well... Caucus4Priorities, a group headed by Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben & Jerry's ice cream endorsed John Edwards for President in 2008 yesterday. The group of 10,000 Iowa members is dedicated to reducing wasteful Pentagon spending and has promised to vote for Edwards in the Democratic primary. Edwards also gains the benefit of the group's staff, who will work to spread Edwards' message about responsible and useful military spending to counter the damage of Bush's years in office. Sweet, sweet news with a strong 99-county momentum to sprinkle on top!!


CapitolAnnex said...

Thanks for the link!

omelas said...

Hooray!! Comment-love!!

* smoochies *